Flash mob di Legambiente: ridurre l’inquinamento atmosferico

Flash mob of Legambiente: reduce air pollution

Legambiente activists have started several flash mobs in favor of the environment, to draw attention to the problem ofair pollution. A collective action has recently started in 6 Italian cities, including Bari, where the air situation has become particularly critical in the area near the railway.

"We've broken our lungs!": Legambiente's flashmob in Bari
In Bari, the air quality is bad. Not surprisingly, the Legambiente event "We broke our lungs!" took place here, where some activists took to the streets wearing gas masks. The focus on Bari was centered near the railway, where diesel trains still circulate, the main contributors to the bad smells, fumes and pollution of this area. The trains, passing not far from the windows of some houses, emit harmful substances into the air that alarm the inhabitants.

Legambiente Puglia has decided to demonstrate to ask for urgent solutions to the Government, demanding that in certain parts of the city this problem be solved as soon as possible. Here are what actions have been requested through the demonstration:

  • The conversion of train engines from diesel to electric.
  • The restriction of circulation for vehicles with high gas emissions, as already happens in other European cities
  • The establishment of so-called ZEZ (Low Emission Zones), in the center of Murat and other commercial areas. To improve air quality, liveability and business volume of traders

The Flash mob was an important step for the environment but it was only the first! A big mobilization is planned for the next periods, protagonists the Circles of Legambiente throughout the country, along with other associations, committees and citizens.

The causes of air pollution
The Flash mob of Legambiente in Bari is just one of the many events organized to reiterate the importance of reducing air pollution, especially in large Italian cities. Why are these events necessary? What is the situation in Italy in terms of air pollution?

Environmental pollution, and atmospheric pollution specifically, mainly concerns the air around large urban centers, where there is a greater concentration of companies, vehicles and people.
Atmospheric pollution is caused by the diffusion in the atmosphere of gases and very fine dust, which are extremely harmful not only for the environment, but also for human health.
The main sources of air pollution are:

  • industrial activities
  • energy production plants
  • heating plants
  • traffic

We can therefore conclude that pollution is determined by anthropogenic causes, which have to do with human activity.Industrialization remains one of the primary causes of smog and pollution in Italy.
In our country the problem of air pollution is anemergency to all intents and purposes; our cities have exceeded the limit threshold of concentrations of PM10 pollutants, such as ozone and particulate matter, continuously since 2008 until 2021.

Legambiente demonstrates to point out the delays in the application of emergency measures and air cleaning plans, both by the Government and by the main Italian Regions; moreover it wants to raise public awareness about the thousands of deaths caused by air pollution every year.

Good practices to reduce air pollution
In order to reduce air pollution, a multi-pronged plan of action is necessary, but you can start doing your part with small daily gestures.
Even private citizens must implement some good practices to help the air clean up, in order to ensure a better future and a cleaner world for future generations. Here are a few tips on how to reduce air pollution:

  • Reduce car use in favor of bicycling
  • Choose DIY; self-produce as much as you need as possible
  • Recycle waste
  • Turn off lights and electronic devices in the house when not in use
  • Install solar and photovoltaic panels, to generate heat and water using clean energy sources

What are your daily actions to reduce air pollution? Discover R5 Living's commitment to the environment in our sustainability section!

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