The " Plastic Free 2025 " initiative is part of the fight against single-use plastic and the promotion of more sustainable behavior. Several municipal administrations in Italy and around the world are adopting policies to reduce the use of disposable plastic, promoting ecological alternatives. There are 122 Plastic Free 2025 Municipalities that have distinguished themselves in the fight against illegal abandonment of plastic waste, the promotion of responsible behavior, awareness-raising works in the territory as well as for their commitment to virtuous management of urban waste. The Italian villages, towns and cities that have obtained this merit have passed the evaluation of Plastic Free Onlus, based on 23 rigorous criteria. The best countries are awarded with a score ranging from 1 to 3 turtles, symbol of the fight for environmental protection and their names are during a press conference in Montecitorio, in the presence of the Hon. Mauro Rotelli, president of the Environment, Territory and Public Works Commission of the Chamber of Deputies. On March 8, in Naples, the official ceremony for the delivery of the certificates will be held. “In the fight against plastic pollution – declared President Mauro Rotelli – synergy between institutions and citizens is fundamental. The problem is not plastic itself but its uncontrolled abandonment. Good, therefore, the commitment of the world of associations and volunteers, when they carry out communication and awareness activities that also translate into effective actions on the field such as the cleaning campaigns organized throughout Italy capable of involving even the new generations”. Plastic Free: for a more sustainable Italy The commitment to a more sustainable Italy has no borders. The region with the most awarded municipalities is Abruzzo , with 16 virtuous administrations, followed by Sicily (14), Puglia and Veneto (12). Even the big cities are doing their part: Milan, Bari, Pisa, Bergamo and Ferrara are among the urban centers that have stood out for the effectiveness of their actions. It is not only the metropolises that are driving change, as one might think. But small villages and local realities are making the difference. Towns like Tortoreto (Abruzzo), Scicli (Sicily) and Castiglione del Lago (Umbria) demonstrate that even the smallest communities can adopt winning strategies. Awareness-raising is essential for the success of the initiative. “ The problem is not plastic itself, but its uncontrolled abandonment ,” stressed Mauro Rotelli, president of the Environment Commission of the Chamber. The involvement of schools, citizens and local businesses is essential for a lasting transition to a Plastic Free world. Is your municipality among the winners? 🌍