Greta Thunberg: chi è, attivismo e il Fridays for Future

Greta Thunberg: who she is, activism and Fridays for Future

Who is Greta Thunberg, the little girl who has shaken public opinion and the powerful of the world on environmental issues

Greta Thunberg and her environmental journey

Since 2018, Greta Thunberg has emerged as a symbol of the fight against climate change. She is a reference point for young people and has awakened global consciousness on the issue of the climate crisis. What has Greta Thumberg done to attract the attention of the entire planet? In this article we find out, we summarize Greta Thumberg 's journey and her activism.


It's been four years that Greta Thunberg is a key character, perhaps the key character in relation to the fight against Climate Change. We are in Sweden and it is August 2018 when a 15-year-old girl decides to go on strike by not going to school until the legislative elections in September. Why? That summer, her country had seen heat waves and wildfires of unprecedented intensity. Thunberg 's demand to the government is to reduce CO2 emissions and that it abide by the Paris Agreement on climate change. The environmental activist sits in front of the Swedish parliament every day during school hours under the slogan: School Climate Strike. The initiative has hit the media and shaken social consciousness globally. Thus, the Friday for Future demonstration, carried out today by many young people all over the world, came to life. Who is Greta Thunberg? She is a symbol and spokesperson for the new generations who, thanks to her activism, has managed to bring the issue of the climate crisis to the attention of all countries in the world.


Environmentalist Thunberg was born in Sweden in 2003. Her mother, Malena Ernman, is an opera singer and her father, Svante Thunberg, is an actor. The activist is, therefore, the daughter of artists and grew up immersed in a creative environment. At the age of 13 she was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. Among the symptoms of this syndrome, which carries with it some traits of autism, are obsessive-compulsive disorder, selective mutism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These disorders, in Thunberg 's journey, do not stop her from standing up for what she believes in and advancing her ideas. Many have tried to discredit her precisely because of the relational and psychological difficulties linked to Asperger's syndrome, but on the contrary, the fact that she has been able to do so much for the world community shows us how willpower, courage and tenacity have led her to overcome even personal adversity.


Thunberg also gained notoriety for the speech she gave at the United Nations in which she denounced the indifference of world politics and the older generation to the climate crisis. He points out how the fact of halving emissions within ten years gives only a 50% chance of staying below the temperature increase of 1.5 °, a limit that would mark the beginning of climate reactions beyond humanity's control. The speech highlights how the dreams and childhood of the new generations are being stolen because of the static nature of the older generations. Disappointment and a sense of betrayal emerge. Awareness and radical change are needed. The science has been clear for over thirty years, but still no one has really taken action to change things. The speech, so harsh and realistic, shook the collective consciousness and led Thunberg to become a contemporary symbol.


And still yesterday Greta, clearly expressed again her point of view, and the only apparent action of governments and actions, but I want to add me of all us entrepreneurs. We need to do more. We must engage beyond slogans and a few actions of facades. His speech yesterday, also opens to hope, but if we do not know how to take these words and turn them into action, then nothing will change: "Emissions continue to increase, we can reverse this trend, but we will need drastic solutions. And since we don't have technological solutions, it means that we will have to change. We can no longer allow power to decide what hope is: hope is not something passive, it means truth, it means action. And hope always comes from the people. We want climate justice, and we want it now."


Thunberg published her first book "Our House is on Fire" in 2018. Together with her family, the author recounts her life by describing personal anecdotes. The environmental theme is, in fact, only partially

partially included in the book that wants to bring the reader closer to the personal story of the activist. Of this aspect, she only narrates how her passion for the environment was born and how she built the road that led her to implement the 2018 strike.

Her second book is "No one is too small to make a difference" collects speeches given by Thunberg at important appointments in the fight against the climate crisis. In this text, the environmentalist theme is central and shapes the author's reflections and ideas.

With these two texts we can approach both her personal path and her thought of environmental activism and have a complete picture of this personality symbol of the battles that distinguish the ideals of the new generations.

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