26 Marzo 2022, ore 20:30: l'Ora della Terra

March 26, 2022, 20:30: Earth Hour

Each year, at 8:30 p.m. on the last Saturday in March, supporters from more than 190 countries and territories join together, taking action and raising awareness about issues that affect our only home. Join in and turn off the lights on the Planet!

When was Earth Hour born?

Started in 2007 by WWF and its partners as a symbolic lights-out event in Sydney to raise awareness of climate change, Earth Hour is now one of the world's largest grassroots movements for the environment. Held annually on the last Saturday in March, Earth Hour engages supporters in more than 190 countries and territories, all taking action to ensure a brighter future for people and the planet.

Earth Hour has also gone far beyond the symbolic action of switching off - it has become a catalyst for positive environmental impact, driving important legislative changes, harnessing people power and collective action.

But Earth Hour is more than an hour for the Earth - it's a movement for our future, for the benefit of people and the planet.

Earth Hour is an open-source movement that welcomes everyone, anyone, to participate and help amplify its mission and impact.

In 2007, they began by trying to encourage people around the world to turn off their lights to draw attention to climate change. More than a decade later, the climate crisis remains, compounded by another pressing threat: the rapid loss of biodiversity and nature.

Natural systems are vital to our entire future - yet, the rate of global loss of nature over the past 50 years is unprecedented in human history. Nature not only provides us with food, water, clean air, and other services worth over $125 trillion annually - it is also one of our strongest allies against the climate crisis.

Today, Earth Hour aims to raise awareness and ignite global conversations about protecting nature, addressing the climate crisis, and working together to shape a brighter future for all of us.

Climate Change
This past year has been an extremely difficult year for climate: the climate crisis is now and is causing widespread and growing impacts. Extreme events and anomalies have multiplied (50°C in some places in British Columbia, 38°C in Siberia in 2020).

We must act now, as soon as possible, COP26 was not enough, we must act as individuals, every day to limit global warming. Our very survival is at stake.

1 special hour, 7 ways to spend it

After you turn out the lights, here's how you can spend the Hour with your friends, family and community - at home, outside, online or in person - to make it an impactful evening to remember:

1. Reconnect with nature

Nature doesn't just provide us with clean air, water, and food - nature is essential to our health and happiness! So spend the hour outdoors with friends and family (we guarantee a good night's sleep afterwards!). Here are some things you can do:
Explore nearby parks, beaches, or other natural spaces. Take an overnight hikeDo you have kids? Go camping or stargazing!To ensure your safety when you're outdoors at night, bring a flashlight, phone and let others know in advance where you're going.

2. Cook
Candlelight dinners aren't just for Valentine's Day! Dine in the dark this Earth Hour and prepare some planet-friendly dishes.

Get inspired by some sustainable recipes or challenge yourself to cook a meal where nothing is wasted or get creative with leftovers. Do a timed challenge and see who can create the best dish in 60 minutes. Do you have little ones? They can help pick out ingredients or be involved in dinner prep!

3. Spend time with loved ones

Stay home and use the hour to spend some quality time with those who matter most to you - a fantastic opportunity to create special memories and be close to the people you're trying to shape a brighter future for. You can by candlelight play a board game, a card game, shadows on the walls and charades.

4. Increase your awareness

Awareness is the first step before action. Use the Now to learn more about our incredible planet, the challenges we face and what we need to do to make a difference.

5. Connect with (and give back to) your community.

The challenges our planet faces can only be solved if we work together, empower each other, and create a feeling of unity.
Participate in a local Earth Hour event! There are virtual and on-the-ground events around the world - from live events hosted by local influencers and artists to guided meditation sessions and movie marathons - so you can spend the Hour with people from your city, your country, and around the world! Choose the event you want to attend here.http://www.oradellaterra.org/mappa-eventi/. Be inspired and inspire others - Read the stories of supporters like you from around the world who are shaping a better future for people and the planet. Have your own story to tell? Add it to the Hour of the Earth.org page.

6. Move

It's hard to take care of our planet (and others) when we don't take care of ourselves! So get moving and sweat it out this Earth Hour! Your body and our planet will thank you.
Go for a night run, put on your favorite playlist and dance in the dark.
Do some candlelight yoga or listen to a guided meditation track while you stretch!Head to the nearest park, beach, nature trail, or outdoor space and pick up any trash you find (we recommend bringing gloves, tongs, and a biodegradable trash bag)! You may have to get your hands dirty, but you'll leave with a clear conscience.

Got kids? Have a fun contest: whoever picks up the most trash wins a special prize!

7. Discover your artistic side

If you don't feel like working your body, get your creative mind working at night! Do some night photography or challenge yourself with "light painting". Reuse something around the house or in your wardrobe. Try painting with non-toxic neon paint that glows in the dark with the kids. Write a song with lyrics about nature and our planet, or compose music using the sounds of nature!

Check out this link the video of the March 26, 2022 Day and be part of the Movement!

Sources: https://www.earthhour.org/, http://www.oradellaterra.org/

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