11 +1  Libri da Leggere per un 2025 più consapevole

11 +1 Books to Read for a More Conscious 2025

As we begin a new year, many of us set ourselves the goal of improving our lifestyle, adopting more conscious habits, and making a significant contribution to protecting our Planet. To inspire you along this path, here is a selection of 10 unmissable books that embrace the themes of awareness and climate change . Two of these are designed for the little ones, perfect for involving even children in this important mission.

1. “ The Silence of the Trees ” by Peter Wohlleben

This bestseller explores the hidden world of trees and their crucial role in maintaining our ecosystem in balance. A text that will make you see forests with completely new eyes.

2. “ The Sixth Extinction” by Elizabeth Kolbert.
A book that explores how human activity is contributing to a new great mass extinction, with a compelling mix of science and reporting that invites us to reflect on our impact on the Planet. This is absolutely one of the most beautiful books I have ever read and has become a guide for me

3. “ Biophilia ” by Edward O. Wilson
This book celebrates our innate connection with nature and offers insights into how to reconnect with our environment, which is essential for living in a more balanced and harmonious way.

4. “ The Changing Climate ” by Luca Mercalli
An accessible and enlightening manual that explains climate change and offers practical tools to reduce our environmental impact. Perfect for those who want to begin to better understand the ecological crisis.

5. “ The Great Word Factory ” by Agnès de Lestrade (For Children)
A poetic and touching book that teaches the little ones the importance of simple words and gestures to create a better world. A story that promotes kindness and awareness.

6. “ Matisse’s Garden ” by Samantha Friedman (For Children)
This book introduces children to art and nature, showing how creativity can be inspired by the natural world. A way to bring the little ones closer to the beauty and importance of the environment.

7.This Changes Everything ” by Naomi Klein
A seminal book that connects capitalism and the climate crisis, offering a critical yet hopeful vision of how we can reverse course to save our planet.

8. “ Braiding Sweetgrass ” by Robin Wall Kimmerer
A poetic combination of science, ecology and indigenous wisdom that celebrates the connection between humanity and the natural world, offering precious insights for a more respectful life on Earth.

9. “ The Uninhabitable Earth ” by David Wallace-Wells
An enlightening book that describes the most dramatic impacts of climate change, prompting the reader to reflect on how to act to prevent the worst consequences.

10. “ No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference” by Greta Thunberg
A collection of speeches by the young Swedish activist, a direct invitation to take a stand for our future.

11. “ How to Avoid a Climate Disaster ” by Bill Gates
A practical and accessible guide that outlines the technological, political and personal solutions needed to address the global climate crisis.

And then, among the books that led me to try to demonstrate that there is a different way of doing and consuming: " No Planet B: A Practical Guide to Saving the World " by Mike Berners-Lee. It profoundly changed my way of live.

Reading these books is not only an act of learning, but also a concrete step towards personal and collective change. Whether it is educating the little ones or better understanding climate change, each of these texts offers a valuable contribution to start the new year with awareness and determination.

Happy reading and Happy New Year!


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