10 Libri da leggere in vacanza per provare a cambiare il mondo

10 Books to read on holiday to try change the world

The planet's ecosystems are increasingly compromised by humanity's destructive activity, but there are many who want to make a difference. The first step to solve the greatest challenge of our time is awareness. Know, be informed, read. Here's how to learn more about environmental issues and, above all, how we can improve the situation. Let's discover what to read this summer to make a difference!


With the arrival of summer and holidays, the time to devote to our hobbies and passions increases. If we have a passion for the environment and we want to learn more about topics related to environmental sustainability or to the environmental protection which books to take on holiday? And if we have children to whom we want to transmit environmental values what they can read?

A good read can make us spend a pleasant afternoon at the beach or in nature and in addition can help us learn new things that we can carry on during the rest of the year. Here is what to read on holiday this summer to make a difference for the environment!


Plastic pollution is one of the hottest and most pressing issues of our time. Here are some books to take on holiday to learn more about the subject, gain awareness and understand how to make a difference:

1. Born with the shirt ... plastic by Antonio Ragusa

Antonio Ragusa, after finding pieces of plastic on an apparently uncontaminated beach, wonders about the pollution linked to this material. As head of gynaecology in Rome, he starts a research with some collaborators that will lead him to discover the presence of microplastics in the maternal womb. Microplastics affect immune mechanisms and fat metabolism. Ragusa understands that we must minimize the environmental impact of this material.

2. Living Without Plastic, How to Save the World for Free by Natalie Fee

Fee offers a guide to making small changes that can help the planet in all the most important areas of our lives, from food to travel to sex. The author overwhelms with a wave of positivity and advocates for different thinking and living by inviting the reader to embrace change.

3. The Island That Is. The new continent of plastic and waste by Luca Bonaccorsi

Have you ever heard of the Pacific Trash Vortex? The currents have created a frightening and alarming island of waste in the Pacific Ocean. Our actions have an impact on all the planet's ecosystems and this book analyzes these dynamics. From pollution to natural resources, from production to biodiversity: how do these issues relate to each other? Find out with this read!


Other fundamental aspects of our times are the protection of the environment and how to start living as much as possible in harmony with nature. Here is what to read this summer to get informed and understand how to make a difference:

4. Running out of time. How to react to environmental alarms by Luca Mercalli

Human beings are deeply connected to nature, its destiny is ours. How can we stop polluting the environment? What are the ways to save energy? How can we save the future of the next generations? The author has been dealing with these issues for more than twenty years. In this book he collects important reflections to answer many questions on how to save the environment.

5. We can save the world before dinner by Jonathan Safran Foer

A book with a strong emotional impact that mixes personal experiences, biblical parables, scientific data, family stories, and suggestions about the future to narrate a climate crisis that is also linked to humanity's inability to believe. The book aims to spur to action, awaken consciences and lead the reader to implement changes to move towards a future full of life.

6. A Hope in the Air by Tim Flannery

Thanks to his expertise as a scientist, the author provides a snapshot of current events, including increasingly frequent climate disasters and widespread drought. At the same time, however, he outlines a possible future characterized by renewable energy, biofuels and evolution of current technologies that will lead us to live in harmony with the environment and all its inhabitants. An accurate text full of new perspectives.

7. Enterprise as a living system by Massimo Mercati

How to live in harmony with the environment? Mercati's short essay proposes a parallelism between the mechanisms of nature and business organization. The reticular structure typical of ecosystems can be the right way to manage a business in which all elements are connected. It is precisely the quality of these relationships that determines the success of a project. The author offers a profound and interesting reflection on how to carry the lessons of nature.


With the summer holidays children and teenagers have more time to have fun and learn new things in a playful way. If we want to help them understand the world around them and show them the way to a sustainable life here are some readings, fun but also very educational:

8. The incredible journey of Flip the Coronula by Milenalibri

For the little ones here is the adventure of Flip and Skip, who on the journey to the North Pole will help many friends. The story tells about the wonderful ecosystem of the sea, a precious and fragile reality whose balance is affected by plastic pollution and the rising of glaciers. A colourful book with games, origami to create and magnets;

9. This book saves the planet. 50 missions for eco-warriors by Isabel Thomas

This book presents a long list of actions we can do every day to save the environment and its balances: saving energy, creative and fun recycling, green transportation, etc. A fun and challenging practical guide for children aged ten and up.

10. Erotic essay on the end of theworld by Barbascura X

The youtuber, popularizer and chemist Barbascura X transports young people to the discovery of the climate crisis with irony. Rino Bretella, the protagonist, finds himself in the future and discovers that he is the last survivor on earth. The amusing slant is flanked by a respectable bibliography dedicated to those who want to move on to more rigorous and scientific texts. A reading perfect for teenagers.

If you want to start reducing single-use plastic, you can try our products. With 4 refills of R5 detergents you save 1.2Kg of CO2 equivalent, with one pack of R5 laundry detergent sheets you can reduce CO2 emissions for transport by up to 90% and with one solid shampoo from the R5 Senses range you avoid two 300ml plastic bottles.

It's the small everyday gestures that really change things.

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