Come ridurre il consumo di Plastica Monouso

10 Tips for Reducing Disposable Plastic Consumption

Cutting down the consumption of single-use plastic is becoming a priority in the lives of many citizens. Why is reducing single-use plastic consumption so important? The unchecked use of this material, itself invaluable for its characteristics, is destroying the balance of our planet, and never more than this summer do we realize how much our actions matter. For better or for worse.

Overuse of plastics results in a high production-related carbon footprint, a high volume of waste, persistent pollution and damage to wildlife and ecosystems, and significant socio-economic costs due to the negative impacts of plastic waste on tourism and fisheries.

We are convinced that the problem is not Plastic itself. The problem is when it is used in single-use mode where it is not needed. This is the plastic that we need to decrease. And along with that, to reduce production originally, the effort we need to make is in recycling and reuse.

Our daily choices can make a difference. What are the easiest ways to reduce plastic? Here are 10 ideas and tips to reduce single-use plastic in our daily lives.


How to reduce plastic in the home? Each room in the home has its own particularities. Let's start with the kitchen, an area that easily lends itself to the use of disposable plastic materials. If we want to make a difference, we need to focus on reusable and long-lasting materials. Remember that every habit can be changed and replaced, so here are the top 5 tips for reducing plastic:

  1. we choose reusable glass or metal containers to store leftover food, or even plastic, which is an excellent material for storing food, but as long as it is reusable. We can also use special washable beeswax-treated cloths that adhere to food. Thus we abandon the use of cling film;
  2. we buy loofah brushes and sponges ( loofah is a vegetable sponge made from the dried pulp of the fruit of Luffa cylindrica) or sponges made of natural fibers (such as sisal or tampico) that do not harm the environment;
  3. we choose refillable soap for dishwashing and fill the same bottle several times or water-free products that do not require disposable bottles;
  4. we use glass bottles for water, make juices or smoothies at home with fresh fruit, and fill our personal water bottle before going out.


There is a long list of plastic products in the bathroom that we can replace with items made of other materials. For example, the toothbrush and toothpaste tube, soap bottles, Q-tips, shower sponge,. We can modify our plastic consumption like this:

  1. we choose toothbrushes, Q-tips, made of bamboo or natural materials;
  2. we use solid soaps and shampoos for our hygiene that avoid plastics and also the transportation of water. Very often they are packaged in sustainable and recyclable packaging
  3. we buy sponges that are biodegradable or made of loofah or other natural materials;
  4. we choose toothpastes in glass jars or paper bags.

We use bags and pouches for fruits, vegetables, groceries, and shopping. While many are now made of biodegradable materials, others are not. What to do to reduce plastic when we go out? Here's the next tip:

we always bring reusable bags for every purchase:

  • cotton mesh bags for fruits and vegetables;
  • cotton bags with handles for shopping;
  • large reinforced cloth bags for groceries;
  • but also strong, durable plastic bags that can be reused a thousand times and more!


Housekeeping is a great source of single-use plastic; in fact, we use bottles that are thrown away once they are finished. This is one of the biggest wastes of plastic ever. Also because only 10 percent of the contents are really cleaning products. The rest is water and plastic, Unnecessary. Just buy refills and reuse bottles indefinitely.

  1. stop disposable bottles and non-biodegradable sponges: choose R5 Living kits and plastic free refills.
  2. stop laundry detergents in bottles, better detergents in strips or solid tabs.

It only takes a little to make a change! All it takes is to get started!

Every daily action counts, small gestures make big revolutions.


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