Fridays for Future e lo sciopero del clima del 24 settembre

Fridays for Future and the climate strike on September 24

It's been four years now that young people are taking responsibility for the climate consequences produced by the generations before them. How? Through the Friday for Future movement that exploded thanks to environmental activist Greta Thunberg. Today the whole world is affected by the consequences of environmental warming and the movement that promotes the strike for the climate has become global. Friday for Future Italy is also present in many of the main squares of the nation. Let's find out more about these events and the strike of this September.


Friday for Future, also known as School Strike 4 Climate or Youth for Climate, is a strike carried out by young students moved by environmentalist issues. It is an international movement in which protest takes center stage: young people take to the streets, demand and claim concrete actions aimed at stopping climate change caused by humankind. The movement was born in 2018 thanks to the very young activist Greta Thunberg, then only 15 years old. The first protest put in place was focused on the demand to respect the Paris agreements related to the decrease of CO2 emissions.


From 2018 to the present, Greta Thunberg has become the symbolic leader of a global movement of peaceful protest: periodically around the world, young and very young people choose a Friday to strike. The main goals of this protest are:

  • to keep the spotlight on the problem of climate change;
  • to make solving global warming a priority on political agendas around the world;
  • push governments to phase out fossil fuels in order to reduce emissions to zero by 2050;
  • try to raise awareness and encourage everyone to work together to contain global temperature rise.


In Italy, the Friday for future event was born between December 2018 and January 2019 and started from social, thanks to the Facebook page created already in January 2018 that was then modified starting in 2019 on the occasion of the first climate strike in Milan where about in 100 thousand participated.

Friday for future Italy had an effect especially at the local level leading individual cities to take action for the environment. Cities such as Turin or Milan are committed to proposing plans to reduce emissions to decrease pollution thanks to this movement. For example, the Turin city council has referred to the Friday for Future website to set out its plans to encourage renewable energy.


The September24strike has a more specific focus, as this year there will be Cop 26. This is a global conference where all states will have to share their commitment to reducing emissions and the discussion will focus on solving the climate crisis.

Thanks to their activism, the young people of Friday for Future want to take to the streets to remind all nations that this is a historic moment of international importance, in which individual governments are led to act as humanity. The new generations carry on their shoulders the consequences of centuries of reckless actions that have brought the planet to the limit of its capacity. However, they are not backing down, even though they are not responsible for the current situation, they are promoting a positive change.

We want to contribute to the change, every action of ours is aimed at decreasing the climate impact. We take this mission of ours very seriously because things can be changed and together we can do it.

It is the small daily gestures that make the big revolutions.

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