As you know, one of the Sustainable Goals we have chosen to pursue is Goal 17: Partnership for the Goals. To many it may seem the least important of the goals of the 2030 Agenda, but it is not so. It is one of the most important goals, it is the goal that explains to us that union makes strength and never as in this moment have we needed to work as a network, to find fellow travelers with the same goals and the same values and join together to achieve results more quickly. We have always been looking for fellow travelers. Companies, friends with whom to share the journey. And I assure you that this helps us a lot. It makes the dark days seem surmountable, it makes you rejoice in small victories, it makes you feel part of something bigger for which you must never give up. And we, in Bergamo, know it well and the #molamia has become one of our mottos. So, in this journey of searching for friendships, we came across a wonderful company, a unique example, which is inspiring us and giving us a lot of strength. We are talking about, a French company that has been operating for more than twenty years in the market for the collection of used printer cartridges. Absolute pioneers, twenty years ago they understood that it was necessary to stop the absolute waste of plastic wrappers that contain ink. Wrappers that, if properly maintained, can be reused up to 7 times. 7 times! Think of the benefits in terms of reducing the production of new plastic and CO2 emissions. And think what a great message: taking care of a simple cartridge can contribute significantly to the reduction of negative impacts on the environment. The Cartridge model is as simple as it is innovative and effective. Do you have empty cartridges? Well, store them, put together some, go on the site check the value of each cartridge (if you exceed 20 euros shipping costs are offered) and send them through Posteitaliane to Cartuccina. Cartuccina will give you the equivalent of the value of the cartridges in cash. Isn't it brilliant? Cartuccina rewards us if we send it our waste! What better way to convince us to change our habits? An incredible reality, that has found in Italy a virtuous country in the differentiated collection and that responds in an incredible way to beautiful and healthy initiatives like these. We want to be part of their new adventure, to be the Italian travel companion that helps them to be known. With you, friends of R5 Living, we are sure we can do a lot, because this path towards a more sustainable everyday world is the pact that we made. Our task is to continue the creation of "good" products for Home and Personal Care, but it is also to push for a change in consumption, in daily habits, in general. It is also to introduce you to exceptional realities such as to discover how to reduce our single impact every day. So from today you will find on our website a section dedicated to, to let you know this reality. And together we are preparing a series of content to tell you what actions we can do every day to do good for our planet, maybe even earning ;). If in the meantime you want to discover, use the discount code R5&Cartuccina, you will have 5€ discount on our site and 5€ already recognized by if you send them your used cartridges....don't wait, collect your cartridges and contribute to the reuse of resources!